WSU Cougar Head Logo Washington State University

Be Our Guest!

Washington State University wants YOU to be a COUG! Please join us for Cougar Interest Day Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 10:15 am in the Library. This event will be hosted by River Ridge High School and Washington State University.

Cougar Interest Day wants to provide you with an opportunity to spend the morning with us. While here, you will have the opportunity to learn more about Washington State University and its offerings; hear about the processes from application to confirmation; and get the facts about financial aid and scholarships.

Please register.

To be eligible for this event, students must:

  • Be very interested in learning more about WSU.
  • Have a 3.0 Cumulative GPA or higher.
  • Have taken, or will take, the SAT/ACT Exam.
Cougar Interest Day
Cougar Interest Day